European Forest Institute Expert Directory

How to use this form?

To submit information about yourself to the EFI expert directory, please fill in the form below. Some of the fields are required (marked with a red asterisk *) and must be filled.

Provide the full English name of your organization (if there is no English name, please provide the full local name); if appropriate please provide the full English name of the department/unit (if there is no English name, please provide the full local name). In order to help you fill in the form and to avoid creating multiple entries for the same entity (as far as possible), the names of organizations and units entered by other experts will appear as you type. If there are mistakes in the organization/unit names, please contact us ( and we will correct the information as soon as possible. If you only provide the organization name, provide the address details for your organization; if you provide the department/unit name, provide the address details for the department/unit.

Select at least 1 and up to 15 terms from the Topic field to best describe your expertise. These are English terms (mostly related to forests and forestry) selected from the FAO AGROVOC Thesaurus. You may also add up to 5 other keywords terms (English) of your own choosing. These can be from the AGROVOC Thesaurus, or other controlled lists of keywords (e.g. General Multilingual Environmental Thesaurus - GEMET, National Agricultural Library Thesaurus), or of your own choosing. The terms that appear as you type are terms that have been used by other experts who have already submitted their information. In order to group experts with similar expertise, please look through the terms listed in the Topic list and also consider the terms already used by other experts in the keywords.

Note on the use of collected data: the collected data will be made freely available within the Expert Directory on the European Forest Institute web-pages. The data will be located on a server in the EFI Headquarters, Joensuu, Finland.

You have the right to access, modify, correct and delete the data which concern you. To exert this right: (1) give your email address here, you will receive an email within few minutes and (2) follow the instructions in the email.

Thank you very much for your participation.
The EFI Expert Directory implementation team (

Personal Profile

required field
Given name:
Surname/Family name:
Street address:
Postal code:
in international format e.g. +358 50 1234567
Personal webpage:
e.g. link to personal web-pages, Linked-in profile, ResearchGate profile

Expertise information

Topics - choose a minimum of 1 and a maximum 15 topics to describe your expertise:
AGROVOC Thesaurus

Free keywords, provide additional keywords to describe your expertise - maximum 5 keywords/phrases:

Academic degree:
(you may tick more than one box)
Dr/PhD Master or equivalent Bachelor or equivalent
Title/Subject area of the degree:
Languages - choose at least one:

Geographic expertise:
Europe Russia Asia
North America South America Central America
Africa Australasia
Climate zone expertise:
Boreal Temperate Mediterranean
Tropical Subtropical

Other information

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